Steve-O Asks Wendy’s to Start Serving Veggie Burgers

Wendy’s new “Image Activation” restaurants feature bold, “ultra-modern” designs that greatly enhance the customer experience, including lounge seating with fireplaces, flat-screen TVs, Wi-Fi and digital menuboards.(PRNewsFoto/The Wendy’s Company)
A food revolution is in the works—a revolution against poisonous, cruel and irresponsible edibles. Fast food chains have been some of the worst offenders of these kinds of options over the years, and people are finally starting to back away—hence the closure of hundreds of McDonald’s nationwide.
Alternatively, some companies like Chipotle, Subway and even White Castle are catching on, offering meatless alternatives and healthier items. These are the organizations that’ll hold their own as American appetites change.
Wendy’s, like its ill-fated relative, McDonald’s, is a chain that offers very little in the way of vegan options. Comedian Steve-O, of Jackass and Wildboyz fame, is out to change all that. He’s started a petition asking Wendy’s to add a veggie burger to its menu.
“Years ago, I used to treat my body terribly (including the food I put in it) and have since transitioned to a healthier lifestyle, as most of you know,” he writes. “But occasionally I miss the convenience of fast food joints like Wendy’s, especially when I’m on the road on my comedy tour. So many people across America value access to healthy, easy-to-find options when dining out. Offering a veggie burger for health-conscious folks concerned about obesity, heart disease, and other health problems is also great because it would allow vegetarians and vegans to eat with their friends and families.”
As the world’s third largest hamburger chain, Steve-O is asking Wendy’s to step up and offer an option that’ll appeal to the 16 million Americans who call themselves vegetarians or vegans. He’s seeking 25,000 signatures, and so far he’s reached 15,139.
“Wendy’s probably means well when it offers a bowl of lettuce or side vegetables for someone who wants to eat a meat-free meal. But we want a filling veggie burger patty so people on any diet can replace burger items with a plant-based option!”
Click here to sign Steve-O’s petition and let Wendy’s know how you feel.
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